Financial Planning
June 13, 2024

How Is Accredited Investors’ Wealth Management Different

Stewart Willis

Being an accredited investor opens doors to exclusive investment opportunities that the average investor can’t access. These investors have a distinct advantage in the financial world because of their higher income and net worth.

From private equity to hedge funds and more, accredited investors have a buffet of options to diversify their portfolios. Because of this, accredited investors’ wealth management strategies should be financially sophisticated and more risk-tolerant.

This blog explains how accredited investors’ wealth management differs from standard financial advising. It also explores opportunities and drawbacks of this exclusive group's sophisticated needs and goals.

Who Is Considered an Accredited Investor?

Accredited investors are not your average market participants. They are defined by specific financial thresholds established by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Rule 501 of Regulation D3.

  • You must have an annual income of more than $200,000 or $300,000 for joint income for the last two years. This comes with the expectation of earning the same amount or more in the current year.
  • You must have a net worth of over $1 million on your own or jointly with your spouse. However, this net worth can’t include your primary residence.
  • You are a director, executive, or partner for a company that issues unregistered securities.
  • You can show that you have enough experience or education about unregistered securities.

Organizations can’t be formed for the sole purpose of buying into specific securities. However, they may be considered an accredited investor if:

  • It is an organization or private business development company with over $5 million in assets.
  • It is an organization made up of equity owners who are accredited investors.

Benefits of Being an Accredited Investor

These are some of the benefits of being an accredited investor:

More Opportunities for Accredited Investors

Opportunities for accredited investors exceed those of your average investor. They have access to a suite of investments generally unavailable to the broader public. These include:

  • private equity funds
  • hedge funds
  • venture capital
  • private placements
  • pre-IPO stocks

These investments for accredited investors often promise higher returns than traditional market offerings. These opportunities for accredited investors allow them to participate directly in the funding and growth of private companies.

Less Regulatory Red Tape

The regulatory framework for accredited investors also differs significantly from that of average investors. The SEC provides exemptions allowing them to engage in securities offerings not registered with financial authorities.

The exemption stems from the assumption that accredited investors have the financial knowledge and resources to bear the associated risks. These regulatory advantages provide a broader investment landscape and the ability to invest in high-growth sectors with less oversight.

Challenges of Being an Accredited Investor

Because of these unique challenges, accredited investors’ wealth management is inherently more complex.

More Risks Involved

Investments that are only open to accredited investors are a whole different ballgame. They come with the promise of potentially higher returns, but also some serious risks too. An accredited investor’s wealth management must have strategies in place to offset potential losses. Private markets can be unpredictable at times.

Lack of Regulatory Protection

Accredited investors are not subject to the same regulatory protections as the general public regarding securities investments. This lack of oversight can create an environment ripe for exploitation. Accredited investors are more vulnerable to fraudulent schemes and high-risk, unsuitable investments. They operate without the safeguards provided by the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

The absence of these regulatory requirements means accredited investors must exercise even more diligence and caution when evaluating investment opportunities. They must rely on more than the same transparency and disclosure level mandated for publicly traded securities.

Less regulatory oversight than your standard investment options also mean they need trusted advisors. Accredited wealth management advisors can help make better financial decisions.

Finding the best investments for accredited investors takes time. They need a knowledgeable and fair financial guidance to help with that.

Potential Fraud and Scams

Accredited investors are prime targets for scammers. If an investment sounds too good to be true, do your due diligence. Investors have a responsibility to be vigilant when making an investment.

This places the burden squarely on the accredited investor to thoroughly vet potential investments. Investors must understand the risks involved, and ensure they make informed decisions. An accredited investor wealth management team can help mitigate some of these challenges.

Hand holding a light bulb with coins stack

Why Do Companies Want an Accredited Investor?

Business may be interested in accredited investors because they can provide more capital. Their higher net worth and income allow them to invest larger amounts. This is valuable for startups and private companies requiring substantial funding to grow before accessing public markets. Deals with accredited investors are also subject to fewer regulatory requirements.

Accredited Investors’ Wealth Management

Accredited investors have unique financial planning needs that go far beyond simply picking stocks or bonds.

Their large and complex financial situations require a comprehensive wealth management strategy This type of planning is not just about investment selection, but rather about creating a cohesive plan that integrates all aspects of the investor's financial life.

For accredited investors, wealth management is about:

  • managing investment risks
  • optimizing tax strategies
  • preparing for future estate planning needs

It's about ensuring that every component of their financial picture works together. It’s a cohesive approach to support all long-term goals and objectives. This holistic approach helps accredited investors navigate the intricacies of their financial landscape. They can make informed decisions that align with their overall vision.

Unlike general financial advice, the planning process for accredited investors is tailored to their specific circumstances, taking into account:

  • their significant assets
  • complex income streams
  • unique tax implications

By addressing these nuances, the wealth management plan provides a solid foundation. It allows accredited investors to confidently manage their wealth and achieve their desired outcomes.

The Role of an Accredited Wealth Management Advisor

Accredited wealth management advisors have expertise in managing the finances of high-net-worth individuals. They are trained to handle the complex cases of significant investments and wealth. Working with a firm like Asset Preservation Wealth and Tax means having a fiduciary by your side. We are obligated to always act in your best interest.

Talk to a trusted financial planner today!

Stewart Willis is the founder and president of Asset Preservation Wealth & Tax, a financial planning firm in Phoenix, Arizona. Investment advisory services offered through Foundations Investment Advisors, LLC, an SEC registered investment adviser.

The commentary on this blog reflects the personal opinions, viewpoints and analyses of the author, Stewart Willis, providing such comments, and should not be regarded as a description of advisory services provided by Foundations Investment Advisors, LLC (“Foundations”), an SEC registered investment adviser or performance returns of any Foundations client. The views reflected in the commentary are subject to change at any time without notice. Nothing on this website constitutes investment, legal or tax advice, performance data or any recommendation that any particular security, portfolio of securities, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. Personal investment advice can only be rendered after the engagement of Foundations for services, execution of required documentation, including receipt of required disclosures. Any mention of a particular security and related performance data is not a recommendation to buy or sell that security. Foundations manages its clients’ accounts using a variety of investment techniques and strategies, which are not necessarily discussed in the commentary. Any statistical data or information obtained from or prepared by third party sources that Foundations deems reliable but in no way does Foundations guarantee the accuracy or completeness. Investments in securities involve the risk of loss. Any past performance is no guarantee of future results. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Foundations and its advisors are properly licensed or exempted. For more information, please go to and search by our firm name or by our CRD # 175083.

Alternative/Private investments are often complex, speculative and illiquid investment vehicles that are not suitable for all investors and are typically only available to accredited investors who meet certain minimum financial requirements. Alternative Investments often engage in leverage and other investment practices that are extremely speculative and involve a high degree of risk. Such practices may increase the volatility of performance and the risk of investment loss, including the loss of the entire amount that is invested. They are, therefore, intended for experienced and sophisticated long-term investors who also have the financial wherewithal to accept such risks.

Ready To Get Started?

You spent all your working years accumulating this wealth. Now it’s the time to make the most of it with effective tax and wealth management.